AGON Legal
AGON Legal
AGON PARTNERS LEGAL AG advises and represents clients in civil, administrative and criminal proceedings in the field of commercial law, in particular in competition law proceedings.
AGON Compliance
AGON Compliance
AGON PARTNERS COMPLIANCE AG provides advice and support on compliance issues. It also offers comprehensive, efficient and customised compliance management systems.
AGON Public Affairs
AGON Public Affairs
AGON PARTNERS PUBLIC AFFAIRES AG provides advice and support in litigation PR and public affairs. It also provides support in strategic corporate and value communication.
AGON Diversity
AGON Diversity
At AGON PARTNERS DIVERSITY AG we develop, support and implement customised strategies in the area of Diversity & Inclusion.
AGON Solution
AGON Solution
Swiss Legal Tech Solutions GmbH offers IT services in the digitalisation of legal services and business processes.
AGON Innovation
AGON Innovation

AGON PARTNERS INNOVATION AG develops and researches in the fields of software, cyber security and applications.

Medien und Report

Cyberattacks hit the Swiss economy hard: one company every 11th second, average losses of CHF 6 million and the most serious intrusions costing well over CHF 100 million. Cyber resilience is no longer an optional extra, but essential for survival.

Diversity unites, excellence convinces: AGON PARTNERS - your partner for legal, compliance, public affairs, diversity and IT.

Your needs - We are here to help you fulfil your business and individual needs in the areas of legal advice, compliance, communications, public affairs, diversity and IT. We are here to provide you with customised solutions and help you achieve your goals.

Our solutions - AGON LEGAL is your contact for highly qualified solutions in antitrust and competition law, while AGON PUBLIC AFFAIRS develops and implements effective communication strategies and represents your political interests. AGON DIVERSITY offers customised legal, communications, compliance and diversity advice with a focus on crisis intervention and preventive measures. In parallel, AGON Compliance offers customised compliance management systems and solutions. In addition, Swiss Legal Tech Solutions offers innovative digital solutions against cartels and abuse of market power.

Our philosophy - AGON PARTNERS is actively involved in scientific discourse and continuously shares the knowledge gained with our customers. Our events, including conferences and seminars, promote the exchange of expertise and best practices. Enter the world of AGON PARTNERS and benefit from our extensive expertise and commitment to your needs.

With its full-service approach, AGON PARTNERS acts as a support centre for a diverse clientele, from large companies to SMEs and public authorities, and guarantees tailor-made advice. Our uniquely networked approach ensures that the complex requirements of our clients are optimally met.


Wir setzen uns fokussiert für Sie ein
Prof. Dr. Patrick Krauskopf
Prof. Dr. Patrick KrauskopfAttorney-at-law, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Chairman, AGON Group - Attorney at Law (Zurich/ New York) - Professor of Competition Law, Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW - Consultant, Competition Policy, WTO/UNCTAD/ICN/CUTS
Michel Rudin
Michel RudinBoard of Directors AGON PARTNERS PUBLIC AFFAIRS AG
Founder, Co-CEO & Vice-President, Swiss Diversity - Litigation PR, Public Affairs & Values Communication - Member of the Executive Board of the Protestant Reformed Church of Switzerland (EKS Council) - Former Co-President, glp Lucerne - Former Co-President, Pink Cross
Dr. Markus Wyssling
Dr. Markus WysslingAttorney at Law, Managing Director AGON PARTNERS LEGAL AG
Managing Partner AGON PARTNERS - Attorney at Law (Zurich)
Liliane Studer
Liliane StuderManaging Director AGON PARTNERS PUBLIC AFFAIRS AG
Former National Councillor
Gaby Eickstädt
Gaby EickstädtAttorney at Law, Advisory Board AGON PARTNERS COMPLIANCE AG
Responsible for Legal - Lawyer (Germany/ England & Wales) - Owner of the law firm GE Law
Tobias Gurtner
Leslie Gurtner
Leslie GurtnerManaging Director AGON PARTNERS SOLUTION GmbH
Sabina Brägger
Sabina BräggerManaging Director AGON PARTNERS DIVERSITY AG
Managing Director Swiss Diversity - Since 2020 - CEO BisonTex GmbH - Since 2016 - Founder/owner SABINA BRÄGGER, swissmaterials, design & productsGmbH - 2015

AGON PARTNERS value everyone regardless of gender, age, religious and ideological beliefs, social and ethnic background, sexual orientation, lifestyle and individual abilities or disabilities. The AGON PARTNERS team brings together a wide variety of people of different nationalities, backgrounds and views. In order to realise their full potential, openness, respect, tolerance and freedom of expression form the basis of a dynamic, open and appreciative working relationship. Our values also apply to our collaboration with clients, for whom AGON PARTNERS develops high-quality, customised and targeted solutions.